Beatrice Polacchi invited speaker at the workshop “QIA & Quantum Punks: New Applications for the Quantum Internet”

On 27 March 2025, Beatrice Polacchi will give a talk at the workshop “QIA & Quantum Punks: New Applications for the Quantum Internet” at the Quantum Information Center Sorbonne (QICS), Sorbonne University of Paris, organized by Veriqloud and Deep Quantum, in partnership with the Use Case Team of the Quantum Internet Alliance.The talk will be … Continua a leggere

The Quantum Lab at “She rocks science”

The researchers of the Quantum Lab Beatrice, Taira, and Valeria will take part in the event “She rocks science”  on March 13th at the Marconi building of Physics Department.The event is part of a series that aims to give visibility to the women researchers of the Physics Department of Sapienza University to celebrate the International Day … Continua a leggere

Fabio Sciarrino invitato all’Open Day Cagliari DLAB

Fabio Sciarrino, Venerdì 14 marzo, parteciperà all’Open Day Cagliari DLAB per parlare dell’importanza delle tecnologie quantistiche e dei nuovi scenari ai fini dell’innovazione, della sicurezza informatica e dello sviluppo tecnologico. Link:

Quantum memristor with vacuum–one-photon qubits

Quantum memristors represent a promising interface between quantum and neuromorphic computing, combining the nonlinear, memory-dependent behavior of classical memristors with the properties of quantum states. An optical quantum memristor can be realized with a vacuum–one-photon qubit entering a tunable beam splitter whose reflectivity is adapted according to the mean number of photons in the device. … Continua a leggere

The ERC Proof-of-Concept POQUB project just started!

The POQUB project, “PhOtonics QUantum Bernoulli Factory,” led by Fabio Sciarrino as Principal Investigator, started on 1 March 2025.POQUB is hosted by Quantum Lab, Department of Physics – Sapienza (, and will also involve the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) ( for the activities of technology transfer and for the interactions with the … Continua a leggere

“Quantum extreme learning machines for photonic entanglement witnessing”

The estimation of properties of quantum states — such as entanglement — is a core need for the development of quantum technologies, yet remaining a demanding challenge. Standard approaches to property estimation rely on the modeling of the measurement apparatus and, often, a priori assumptions on their working principles. Even small deviations can greatly affect … Continua a leggere

“Quantum Analog-to-Digital Converter for Phase Estimation”

Traditional quantum metrology assesses precision using the figures of merit of continuous-valued parameter estimation. Recently, quantum digital estimation was introduced: it evaluates the performance information theoretically by quantifying the number of significant bits of the parameter, redefining key benchmarks like the Heisenberg bound. Here, we report the first experimental realization of a Quantum Analog-to-Digital Converter … Continua a leggere

“Experimental randomness certification in a quantum network with independent sources”

Randomness certification is a foundational and practical aspect of quantum information science, essential for securing quantum communication protocols. Traditionally, these protocols have been implemented and validated with a single entanglement source, as in the paradigmatic Bell scenario. However, advancing these protocols to support more complex configurations involving multiple entanglement sources is key to building robust … Continua a leggere

“Quantum machine learning with Adaptive Boson Sampling via post-selection” published in Nature Communications

The implementation of large-scale universal quantum computation represents a challenging and ambitious task on the road to quantum processing of information. In recent years, an intermediate approach has been pursued to demonstrate quantum computational advantage via non-universal computational models. A relevant example for photonic platforms has been provided by the Boson Sampling paradigm and its … Continua a leggere