“Polarization-encoded photonic quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory based on a quantum dot source” just published on Science Advances

A Bernoulli factory is a randomness manipulation routine that takes as input a Bernoulli random variable, outputting another Bernoulli variable whose bias is a function of the input bias. Recently proposed quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory schemes encode both input and output variables in qubit amplitudes. This primitive could be used as a subroutine for more complex … Continua a leggere

“Experimental verifiable multi-client blind quantum computing on a Qline architecture”

The exploitation of certification tools by end users represents a fundamentalaspect of the development of quantum technologies as the hardware scales upbeyond the regime of classical simulatability. Certifying quantum networksbecomes even more crucial when the privacy of their users is exposed tomalicious quantum nodes or servers as in the case of multi-client distributedblind quantum computing, … Continua a leggere

“Variational quantum cloning machine on a photonic integrated interferometer”

A seminal task in quantum information theory is to realize a device able to produce copies of a generic input state with the highest possible output fidelity, thus realizing an optimal quantum cloning machine. Recently, the concept of variational quantum cloning was introduced: a quantum machine learning algorithm through which, by exploiting a classical feedback … Continua a leggere