“Quantum machine learning with Adaptive Boson Sampling via post-selection” published in Nature Communications

The implementation of large-scale universal quantum computation represents a challenging and ambitious task on the road to quantum processing of information. In recent years, an intermediate approach has been pursued to demonstrate quantum computational advantage via non-universal computational models. A relevant example for photonic platforms has been provided by the Boson Sampling paradigm and its … Continua a leggere

The ERC Proof-of-Concept POQUB project, awarded under the 2024 Program

The POQUB project,  “PhOtonics QUantum Bernoulli Factory,” led by Fabio Sciarrino as Principal Investigator, has been awarded under the 2024 European Research Council (ERC) Proof of Concept (https://erc.europa.eu/news-events/news/Proof-of-Concept-Grants-2024) POQUB is hosted by Quantum Lab, Department of Physics – Sapienza (https://www.quantumlab.it/), and will also involve the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) (https://nqsti.it/) for the … Continua a leggere