Post-doc – Dipartimento di Fisica
Contact details
Email: iris.agresti[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Experimental quantum optics, quantum foundations, quantum information, quantum causality, quantum computation.
Scientific activity
The research activity of Iris Agresti has focused so far on the design of certification protocols for quantum technologies, as well as their implementation on photonic platforms.
During the PhD period, her scientific interests followed to main directions. On one hand, the use of machine learning protocols to tackle hard computational tasks, as Boson Sampling validation and the reconstruction of quantum states’ density matrices. On the other, the design of certification protocols requiring minimal assumptions on the apparatus running them, exploiting quantum causality. In particular, such protocols were devoted to the study of quantum foundations, as well as to more applicative aims, as the generation of secure random bits.
After the PhD period, efforts have been devoted in the design and implementation of self-testing protocols and the exploration of new types of quantum correlations, arising from new causal scenarios. Also the investigation of Boson Sampling validation protocols has been addressed.
Iris Agresti is author of 9 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including 1 Nature Physics, 1 Nature Communications, 1 Physical Review Letters, 1 Physical Review X, 1 Science Advances with an h-index of 4 according to Web of Science (5 in Google scholar).