Dr Chiara Esposito
Chiara Esposito graduated in May 2018 at the Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” and she discussed the PhD thesis in May 2022 at the University of Rome ”Sapienza”. During her PhD, she worked on a test for genuine multi-photon indistinguishability for boson sampling applications and she realized quantum multiphoton interference in linear momentum of the light by exploiting liquid crystal devices. Currently she works on quantum walk application in quantum state engineering and in realization of quantum channels.

Dr Alessia Suprano
Currently working on quantum optics for implementation and exploitation of quantum walks in the orbital angular momentum degree of freedom of photons. She graduated in October 2018 at Sapienza Università di Roma.

Dr Valeria Cimini
Valeria Cimini received her Master degree in Physics in July 2016 at Sapienza Università di Roma. She did her PhD at the University of Roma Tre in the New Quantum Optics group under the supervision of Prof. Barbieri. She is currently working on Quantum Metrology projects. During her PhD she worked on the implementation of machine learning algorithms for the characterization of quantum states and for the self-calibration of quantum photonic sensors. Her studies were also focused on a more fundamental aspect concerning the wave function collapse during the measurement process.

Dr Emanuele Polino
He graduated in November 2016 at the Sapienza Università di Roma and obtained the PhD in February 2020. Currently working on photonic technologies for quantum foundations studies and quantum information tasks. In particular he worked on: fundamental tests on wave-particle duality of photons, study of nonlocality in different quantum networks, quantum metrology protocols, generation, transmission and measurement of quantum states of light carrying Orbital Angular Momentum, and realization of entangled photons sources.

Dr Taira Giordani
Currently working on photonic devices for the implementation of boson sampling and its validation methods. She graduated in Nov 2016 at the Sapienza Università di Roma.

Dr Mauro Valeri
In 2017, Mauro Valeri received his master’s degree at the University of Rome La Sapienza. Then, he did his PhD in the Quantum Information Lab, where he is currently working as a post-doctoral researcher. The experience in this group involves the use of advanced photonic platforms to study the fields of Quantum Metrology, Quantum Communication and Cryptography. He has participated in the realization of entangled photon sources, entanglement distribution within complex systems, the creation of a free-space channel between distant buildings employed for the distribution of a quantum key, the development of quantum photonic sensors, and machine learning techniques to improve accuracy in optical single- and multi-phase estimation problems.