Post-doc – Dipartimento di Fisica
Contact details
Email: andrea.geraldi[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Experimental quantum optics, quantum walks, quantum correlations, quantum state discrimination.
Scientific activity
The scientific activity of Andrea Geraldi mainly focused on the study of particles propagation in a quantum walk scenario, featured by quantum properties, such as superposition and non-classical correlations.
During his PhD program, he took part in experiments aimed at simulating Markovian and Non-Markovian evolution in an all-optical scenario.
His attention then focused on the quantum walk dynamics, which he exploited to study quantum particle propagation in the presence of disorder. He showed that a quantum particle can reproduce a transient superdiffusive or subdiffusive evolution depending on the particular kind of disorder experienced by it during the propagation. Besides this, he studied the non-classical correlations properties arising from indistinguishability showing that the presence of disorder allows to steer and focus such correlation among (quasi) arbitrary pairs of propagation modes. He is currently focusing on the problem of quantum state discrimination, by exploiting novel techniques aimed at reducing the amount of resources needed for such a task.
Andrea Geraldi is author of 5 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including 1 Physical Review Letters, 1 Physical Review Research and 1 Optics Express, and of 2 more paper, currently under review.