Post-doc – Dipartimento di Fisica
Contact details
Email: francesco.hoch[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Experimental quantum optics, quantum computation, integrated photonics.
Scientific activity
Hoch Francesco’s research activity focuses mainly on the use of integrated photonic platforms for the implementation of quantum computing and quantum information protocols. During his PhD, he studied the development of characterisation protocols for integrated photonic devices using both the so-called Black-box approach, i.e. making no assumptions about the internal structure of the device, and the Withe-box approach, which exploits knowledge of the internal structure to decrease the number of required measurements. He also studied the scalability and reconfigurability of integrated femtosecond laser writing devices through the implementation of a Boson sampling experiment with three and four photons placed within a 32-mode renìconfigurable interferometer. Finally, he studied the use of integrated optics for quantum information protocols. In this regard, he carried out a multi-parameter quantum metrology experiment. He also theoretically studied and experimentally implemented a newly proposed randomness manipulation protocol called the Quantum-to-Quantum Bernoulli factory. Currently, his research focuses on interfacing quantum dot single photon sources with integrated photonic devices and studying possible applications of vacuum-single photon superposition states.
Hoch Francesco is the author of 7 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals with an h-index of 2 according to Web of Science (5 in Google Scholar).