Experimental Phase Estimation Enhanced by Machine Learning just published in Physical Review Applied with an Editors’ suggestion

Phase estimation has applications from quantum imaging to gravitational-wave detection. In areas such as biological-system sampling or quantum metrology, it is crucial to optimally acquire information from a very limited number of probes. To address this need, the authors describe and experimentally verify a machine-learning method for optimal adaptive single-photon phase estimation based on a … Continua a leggere

Experimental Study of Nonclassical Teleportation Beyond Average Fidelity published in Physical Review Letters

Quantum teleportation establishes a correspondence between an entangled state shared by two separate parties that can communicate classically and the presence of a quantum channel connecting the two parties. The standard benchmark for quantum teleportation, based on the average fidelity between the input and output states, indicates that some entangled states do not lead to … Continua a leggere

Tomassoni and Chisesi physics prize

Thursday 13 September 2018 at 15:00 The Dipartment of Physics of Sapienza Università di Roma hosted the winners of the prestigious Tomassoni and Chisesi physics prize delivered by @Fond_Sapienza: – Scott Aaronson from The University of Texas at Austin for quantum computational complexity (category under 40) – Philip Kim from Harvard University for quantum transport in graphene (category … Continua a leggere

THE BIG BELL TEST Global physics experiment challenges Einstein with the help of 100,000 volunteers

On November 30th, 2016, more than 100,000 people around the world contributed to a suite of first-of-a-kind quantum physics experiments known as The BIG Bell Test. Using smartphones and other internet-connected devices, participants contributed unpredictable bits, which determined how entangled atoms, photons, and superconducting devices were measured in twelve laboratories around the world. Scientists used … Continua a leggere

Integrated sources of entangled photons at telecom wavelength in femtosecond-laser-written circuits just published in Optica!

Photon entanglement is at the basis of many protocols in photonic quantum technologies, from quantum computing to simulation and sensing. The generation of entangled photons in integrated waveguides is particularly advantageous due to the enhanced stability and more efficient nonlinear interaction. Here we realize an integrated source of entangled wavelength-degenerate photons based on the hybrid … Continua a leggere

Experimental statistical signature of many-body quantum interference published in Nature Photonics!

Multi-particle interference is an essential ingredient for fundamental quantum mechanics phenomena and for quantum information processing to provide a computational advantage, as recently emphasized by boson sampling experiments. Hence, developing a reliable and efficient technique to witness its presence is pivotal in achieving the practical implementation of quantum technologies. Here, we experimentally identify genuine many-body … Continua a leggere

Code of Ethics for Researchers

The universal Code of Ethics for Researchers has been launched at World Economic Forum 2018 #WEF2018 #davos Very glad to have contributed as member of the Young Scientist community! The World Economic Forum Young Scientists Community — a group of leading researchers under the age of 40 from diverse fields and all regions of the … Continua a leggere