Un cloud quantistico sicuro: da oggi è possibile proteggere la privacy di gruppi di utenti che effettuano calcoli contemporaneamente su server distanti

Un gruppo di ricerca internazionale ha ideato e dimostrato che è possibile effettuare calcoli da remoto su processori quantistici mantenendo intatta la privacy di tutti gli utenti coinvolti. I risultati dell’esperimento, condotto presso il Quantum Lab dell’Università Sapienza di Roma, sono stati pubblicati sulla rivista Nature Communications e costituiscono un passo in avanti fondamentale verso … Continua a leggere

Multi-client distributed blind quantum computation with the Qline architecture

Universal blind quantum computing allows users with minimal quantum resources to delegate a quantum computation to a remote quantum server, while keeping intrinsically hidden input, algorithm, and outcome. State-of-art experimental demonstrations of such a protocol have only involved one client. However, an increasing number of multi-party algorithms, e.g. federated machine learning, require the collaboration of … Continua a leggere

Fisica quantistica: ora è possibile certificare le proprietà dei dispositivi ottici integrati programmabili

Un team di ricerca internazionale ha identificato nuove tecniche per quantificare le risorse computazionali fornite dalla meccanica quantistica nei dispositivi ottici. Gli esperimenti, condotti presso il gruppo Quantum Lab del Dipartimento della Sapienza di Roma, hanno coinvolto anche l’Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie del Cnr. I risultati, pubblicati sulla rivista Science Advances, serviranno a implementare … Continua a leggere

“Experimental certification of contextuality, coherence and dimension in a programmable universal photonic processor” published on Science Advances

Programmable integrated optical circuits are among the leading architectures for quantum information processing, enabling tests of foundational properties of quantum mechanics, with applications in metrology, cryptography, and computation. The nonclassical processing of information encoded by quantum states of light in these devices lies at the core of these applications. As new devices grow in size … Continua a leggere

Beatrice Polacchi will be talking about: “Machine-learning-based device-independent certification of quantum networks”

“Quantum networks are at the core of a flurry of quantum information tasks, such as quantum communication, quantum key distribution, and quantum computation, as well as the pillar of the future quantum internet. In this context, it is pivotal that users of future quantum networks are equipped with protocols for the certification of their quantum … Continua a leggere

Betrice Polacchi will be talking about “Certification and privacy for quantum networks through hybrid photonic platforms”

“Quantum networks are at the core of a flurry of quantum information tasks, such as quantum communication, quantum key distribution, and quantum computation, as well as the pillar of the future quantum internet. The most promising way to implement near-term quantum networks resides in using hybrid quantum technologies and taking advantage of different existing approaches. … Continua a leggere

Interferometric imaging of amplitude and phase of spatial biphoton states

High-dimensional biphoton states are promising resources for quantum applications, ranging from high-dimensional quantum communications to quantum imaging. A pivotal task is fully characterizing these states, which is generally time-consuming and not scalable when projective measurement approaches are adopted; however, new advances in coincidence imaging technologies allow for overcoming these limitations by parallelizing multiple measurements. Here … Continua a leggere