PhD Students

Denis Stanev
3rd year PhD student

Currently investigating topics related to the field of Quantum Machine Learning, with a focus on optical based implementations of quantum neural networks. He graduated in October 2021 at Sapienza Università di Roma under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, with a thesis entitled “Quantum Optical Neural Networks”.

Paolo Barigelli
3rd year PhD student

Graduated in April 2022 at Università degli Studi di Padova under the supervision of prof. Giuseppe Vallone, with a thesis entitled ‘Realization of a Quantum Random Number Generator for Cryptographical application.’ Currently working on entanglement-based Quantum Key Distribution, exploiting a Quantum dot source for fiber and free space links.

Giorgio Minati
3rd year PhD student

He graduated in October 2023 in Sapienza University of Rome under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, with a thesis entitled “Quantum Randomness through Causal Modeling”. Currently investigating the manipulation of orbital angular momentum in single photon states, and quantum metrology with squeezed states of light.

Eugenio Caruccio
 2nd year PhD student

Graduated in june 2023 at Sapienza Università di Roma under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino. Currently working on the implementation and characterization of a photonic hybrid platform, made up of a single photon source and a photonic integrated circuit.

Giovanni Adriano
1st year PhD student

Graduated in Theoretical Physics in September 2021 at University of Rome La Sapienza with a thesis entitled “Metrics from amplitudes in arbitrary dimensions”. Currently working on photonic implementations of quantum computing algorithms such as Quantum Bernoulli Factories.

Simone Di Micco
1st year PhD student

Graduated in October 2024 at “Sapienza” university of Rome, under supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, with a thesis entitled “Generation and characterization of superposition states in the photon number basis generated by a quantum dot source”. Currently working on exploiting excitonic based quantum dot single-photon sources to perform quantum communications and quantum computing protocols, in the frame of the EPIQUE project, towards the realization of the European photonic quantum computer.  

Tommaso Francalanci
1st year PhD student

Graduated in October 2024 at Sapienza Università di Roma under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, with a thesis entitled “Quantum Machine Learning with Adaptive Boson Sampling”. Currently investigating the experimental transition between boson sampling and universal quantum computing with photons, working with a photonic hybrid platform made up of a single photon source and a photonic integrated circuit.

Rosario Di Bartolo
1st year PhD student

Graduated in October 2024 at Sapienza Università di Roma under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Sciarrino, with a thesis entitled “Quantum Walk for Photonic Learning Machines.” Currently working on quantum reservoir computing with a photonic platform and on the development of photonic quantum computing architectures.