A Bernoulli factory is a randomness manipulation routine that takes as input a Bernoulli random variable, outputting another Bernoulli variable whose bias is a function of the input bias. Recently proposed quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory schemes encode both input and output variables in qubit amplitudes. This primitive could be used as a subroutine for more complex quantum algorithms involving Bayesian inference and Monte Carlo methods. Here, we report an experimental implementation of a polarization-encoded photonic quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory. We present and test three interferometric setups implementing the basic operations of an algebraic field (inversion, multiplication, and addition), which, chained together, allow for the implementation of a generic quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory. These in-bulk schemes are validated using a quantum dot–based single-photon source featuring high brightness and indistinguishability, paired with a time-to-spatial demultiplexing setup to prepare input resources of up to three single-photon states.
“Polarization-encoded photonic quantum-to-quantum Bernoulli factory based on a quantum dot source” just published on Science Advances