Full Professor – Dipartimento di Fisica
Deputy Rector for International Research Policies – Sapienza Università di Roma
Contact details
Telephone: 0039-06-49913517
Fax: 0039-06-49913525
Email: fabio.sciarrino[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Experimental quantum optics, quantum computation and information, foundations of quantum mechanics, Quantum machine learning
Current projects
– Spoke Leader: Photonic Platform for Quantum Technologies – National Quantum Science and Technology Institute www.nqsti.iit
– Coordinator of European Project EPIQUE (European Photonic Quantum Computer) – Call HORIZON-CL4-2023-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-CNECT
– Principal Investigator of ERC Advanced Grant QU-BOSS-Quantum advantage via non-linear Boson Sampling
– Coordinator of PRIN project QUSHIP (Taming complexity with quantum strategies: a hybrid integrated photonics approach)
– Partner in the FET-OPEN project CANCER SCAN:A Body Scan for Cancer Detection using Quantum Technology (Coordinator: Shlomi Arnon, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
– Principal Investigator of Quantum Information Lab in Lazio Innova project SINFONIA: Trattamento SIcuro dei dati mediante l’iNFOrmazione con singoli fotoNI A richiesta (Coordinator: A. Polimeni, Sapienza Università di Roma)
– Principal investigatori in John Templeton Foundation project Q-CAUSAL:Causality in the quantum world: harnessing quantum effects in causal inference problems (PI: L. Marrucci, Università di Napoli Federico II)
– Partner in the QuantERA ERA-NET Cofund in Quantum Technologies project HiPhoP (Coordinator: P. Senellart, CNRS)
– Partner in the ERC Advanced Grant 2016 project CAPABLE:Composite integrated photonic platform by femtosecond laser micromachining (PI: R. Osellame, IFN-CNR)
– Partner in the ERC Advanced Grant 2015 project PHOSPhOR:Photonics of Spin–Orbit Optical Phenomena (PI: L. Marrucci, Università di Napoli Federico II)
Previous projects
– Principal Investigator of the ERC Proof of Concept project 3D-COUNT:3D-Integrated single photon detector
– European Coordinator of the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks (ITN) project PICQUE: Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding
– Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project 3D-QUEST:3D-Quantum Integrated Optical Simulation
– European Coordinator of the H2020 FET Proactive call “Emerging themes and communities” – 2014 project QUCHIP:Photonics Quantum Simulator on a Chip
– Project PRIN – AQUASIM:Advanced Quantum Simulation and Metrology
Brief profile
Fabio Sciarrino is Principal Investigator of the Quantum Information Lab, Department of Physics, Sapienza University of Rome (www.quantumlab.it). His main expertise is experimental quantum optics, computation and quantum information, and foundations of quantum mechanics. In recent years his research activity has focused on the implementation of quantum information protocols via integrated photonic circuits, with particular interest for Boson Sampling, a non-universal computational model with promising characteristics to achieve the quantum supremacy regime.
In 2012 he was awarded an ERC-Starting Grant Consolidator funded by the European Research Council for his project on integrated quantum photonics (3D-QUEST) and later in 2015 of the ERC-Proof of Concept 3D-COUNT. He was European coordinator of the Marie Curie Network PICQUE project (Photonic Integrated Compound Quantum Encoding: www.picque.eu) of the Future and Emerging Technologies project QUCHIP (Photonics Quantum Simulator on a Chip: www.quchip.eu). He has received several awards, including the “Le Scienze per la Fisica” Medal together with the “Medal of the Presidency of the Republic” and the “Sapio Junior Award for Italian Research” (http://www.premiosapio.it/). In 2015 and in 2016 he was selected by the World Economic Forum as an Awarded Young Scientist to attend the Annual Meeting of the New Champions “Summer Davos” in China along with 40 other scientists from all over the world. He is author of more than 150 publications in international journals (with more than 25 publications on Nature and Science journals) and over 150 invited presentations to national and international conferences. He teaches the Optical Laboratory (3rd year Bachelor’s Degree in Physics) and Quantum Information (2nd year Master’s Degree in Physics). He is currently coordinator of the European FET Open Project PHOQUSING and has been awarded as principal investigator of ERC (European Research Council) Advanced Grant QU-BOSS. He is leader of the Spoke “Photonic Platform for Quantum Technologies” of the Italian National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (www.nqsti.iit) Since January 2024 he is the coordinator of European Project EPIQUE (European Photonic Quantum Computer).