Special Session on National Quantum Initiatives

Thursday 4 April 2019 – 16:00-17:30
Aula Magna Rettorato, University of Rome La Sapienza

Organized in collaboration with and co-sponsored by the OSA Quantum Computing and Communication Technical Group

The Special Session on National Quantum Initiatives will take place during the QIM V conference and will consist in a panel discussion devoted to the presentations of the different national/federal initiatives on quantum technologies. This session will permit to discuss possible synergies as well as to provide a global picture on the worldwide efforts.

Gregory Quarles, OSA Chief Scientist (Session Chair)
Yasuhiko Arakawa, University of Tokyo, Japan
Tommaso Calarco, University of Ulm, Germany
Francesco Cataliotti, University of Florence
Claire Cramer,  U.S. Department of Energy
Thomas Jennewein, University of Waterloo, Canada
Chao-Yang Lu, University of Science and Technology of China 
Ian Walmsley, Imperial College London, UK
Andrew G. White, The University of Queensland, Australia