UPDATE: New dates for the exhibition “Speak the unspeakable”. We look forward to meeting you from 11 to 13 April at the Museo Dell’Arte Classica at Sapienza Campus.
- Download the updated leaflet here
- Registration available here: https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/sapienzaquantumweeks
The Italian Quantum Weeks brings together the national scientific community in quantum technologies intending to organize outreach events for students and the general public. The exhibition by Sapienza University is hosted by Museo Dell’Arte Classica at Sapienza Campus from the 31st of March to the 8th of April. It will be a voyage through the rising of quantum mechanics until the realization of the first quantum technologies, such as quantum computers and quantum cryptography.
Website: https://sites.google.com/uniroma1.it/sapienzaquantumweeks
Leaflet: https://www.phoqusing.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/locandina-Roma-3-1.pdf