The POQUB project, “PhOtonics QUantum Bernoulli Factory,” led by Fabio Sciarrino as Principal Investigator, is hosted by Quantum Lab, Department of Physics – Sapienza (, and will also involve the National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI) ( for the activities of technology transfer and for the interactions with the private companies.
The project will exploit the results of the ERC-Advanced project QU-BOSS QUantum advantage via non-linear BOSon Sampling (, also led by Fabio Sciarrino.
A Bernoulli factory is a randomness manipulation routine that takes as input a Bernoulli random variable and provides as output another Bernoulli variable whose bias is a function of the input bias. Recently proposed Quantum-to-Quantum Bernoulli Factory schemes encode both input and output variables in qubit amplitudes. This primitive could be used as a key ingredient for quantum networking at the interface of quantum computing and cryptography, as well as a subroutine for more complex quantum algorithms thus extending current approaches of randomness generation and manipulation. An open challenge is to design an approach for the implementation of a general and “low-cost” Quantum-to-Quantum Bernoulli Factory. Via a photonics technological platform, the goal of POQUB is 1) to develop a general scheme of Quantum-to-Quantum Bernoulli Factory; 2) to identify relevant use cases within blind quantum computing, via interaction with industries; 3) to design a roadmap for the innovation technological transfer of all the PoC outcomes. As a technological platform, POQUB will exploit reconfigurable photonic circuits which represent a compact, stable and scalable solution due to its natural potential for unlocking versatile and high-speed applications. The developed scheme is expected to have relevant applications also in several other scenarios for quantum technologies.
Funding programme: ERC-2024-POC
Overall funding: 150,000 €
Period: 1 March 2025 – 31 August 2026
Principal Investigator: Fabio Sciarrino, University of Roma “La Sapienza”
Other Beneficiary: National Quantum Science and Technology Institute (NQSTI)