Lecturer – Dipartimento di Fisica
Contact details
Email: taira.giordani[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Quantum optics experiment, quantum information, quantum computation, structured light, quantum dot sources
Scientific activity
The research activity of Taira Giordani has focused on the experimental implementation of quantum information protocols in photonic platforms. Her scientific activities followed two main topics. The first one was the investigation of multi-photon interference effects in Boson Sampling experiments. In this context, she developed protocols for the validation of such quantum devices, one based on bosonic coalescence and others that exploited machine learning techniques. The second topic was the design and realization of quantum walks encoded in the angular momentum of light. The arrangement of this platform enabled full control over the evolution of engineering high-dimensional quantum states. She is currently working on the interface of deterministic sources based on quantum dots with integrated photonic circuits and orbital angular momentum-based architectures. She is also working on the certification of such experiments in Boson Sampling and Gaussian Boson Sampling frameworks.
Taira is the author of 20 publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals, including 9 as first author and 2 Review papers, with an h-index of 8 according to Web of Science (10 in Google Scholar). The publications in high-impact journals include 1 Nature Photonics, 1 Nature Communications, 2 Physical Review Letters, 1 npj quantum Information, and 2 Advanced Photonics.
Contract funded by: National Quantum Science & Technology Institute (NQSTI) PNRR Partenariato PE4 (5 April 2023-4 April 2026)