Lecturer – Dipartimento di Fisica
Contact details
Email: valeria.cimini[at]uniroma1.it
Main research activities
Experimental quantum optics, quantum information, quantum metrology in the discrete and continuous variable regimes.
Scientific activity
The research activity of Valeria Cimini is focused on the development of quantum metrology protocols aimed at the realization of quantum photonic sensors. During the PhD period, she worked on the generation, manipulation, and characterization of photonic quantum states mainly for phase estimation experiments both in the single and multi-parameter regimes. Her scientific interests followed two main directions. On one hand, she worked on the development of quantum photonic technologies based on single-photon states and the implementation of adaptive protocols through integrated photonic circuits. On the other hand, she exploited machine learning algorithms for the characterization of complex and high-dimensional quantum states. Currently, she is working on quantum metrology with squeezed states of light.
Valeria Cimini is the author of 34 (19 as 1st author, 28 peer-reviewed journals, 9 peer-reviewed conference proceedings), including 2 Physical Review Letters, 1 Physical Review X Quantum, 2 npj Quantum Information, 1 Optica and 1 Advanced Photonics with a h-index of 10 according to Web of Science (11 in Google scholar).
Contract funded by:
- QU-DICE – QUantum ranDomness and sImulation proCEssing via non-linear boson sampling
- NQSTI – National Quantum Science & Technology Institute PNRR Partenariato PE4 (5 April 2023-4 April 2026)